Short pieces of private filmfootage from a german family travelling Dalmacija in 1939. Filmed in bw and color, captured in HD.
The pictures show the Plitvice lakes waterfalls, a brief impression of the adriatic coast near Split and a market stand with carpets and handycraft in Dubrovnik (Ragusa).
Short pieces of private filmfootage from a german family travelling Dalmacija in 1939. Filmed in bw and color, captured in HD.
The pictures show the Plitvice lakes waterfalls, a brief impression of the adriatic coast near Split and a market stand with carpets and handycraft in Dubrovnik (Ragusa).
Kurze private Familienaufnahmen eines Familienurlaubs in Dalmatien 1939. Gefilmt in s/w und Farbe, abgetastet in HD. Zu sehen sind die Wasserfälle der Plitvicer Seen, die Adria Küste nahe Splitt(kurz), sowie ein Marktstand mit Teppichen und Handarbeiten in Dubrovnik.